
Our mission is daunting.

The Preserving Freedom Project is meant to be a community-based educational effort, not just a privately-owned and controlled website.  Our message must go viral and take root in the hearts and minds of Americans across every state and demographic group, but particularly among those under age 30.  This is the generation that is suffering wholesale deception at the hands of educators and entertainers who are pushing a worldview largely devoid of morals and civic virtue.

We need your help.

If you believe that America is moving in the wrong direction – that we have lost much of what historically has made us exceptional and sets us apart from the rest of the world, then there is something you can do about it.  We must come together and find ways to confront the false narratives and faulty worldviews of those who are taking us down this road of destruction.  We must find ways to win the hearts and minds of the people around us who have bought into the deception of this broken culture and show them a better way.  We must do this for the sake of our very existence as a free nation.  We must do it for the sake of our children and the generations to follow.

If not us, who?  If not now, when?

You can help in several ways.  We offer a number of levels of membership suitable for participation at various levels, depending on the level of passion and resources you might have for this endeavor.  Please consider joining us at one of these levels:


Our basic membership is free.  We only ask that you give us your contact information so we can count you as someone who is genuinely concerned about our country and wants to know more about how we can turn it around.  By becoming a member, you will receive free access to our articles, discussion forums, group membership (connect with others in your area of interest), live chat with other members, and more.  We will automatically send you articles regularly, but we promise not to spam you, and you can easily unsubscribe at any time.  Why not subscribe and become a member today?

Sign Me Up!


We know that our message will resonate deeper with some folks, who will want to take a more active role in promoting this message and connect with the leadership on a more personal level.  Partners will receive all the basic benefits of membership, plus have access to live conference calls, live video events, interviews with respected leaders, webinars, and more.  We ask that partners make a small monthly investment of just $20 to help us cover the costs and expand our message.

Yes, I Want To Partner With You!

Ministry Affiliates

We believe that the Church in America has largely failed in it’s mission to bring transformational change to this nation.  We know that many pastors and leaders agree with this assessment and would like to change that.  While everyone can value messages that build up the individual in matters of faith, we agree with the Apostles James who said, “faith without works is dead.”  We believe that the lack of faith that is actively being displayed out there in the marketplace, in the schools, government offices, media outlets, and other centers of influence is largely to blame for many of the problems we face in our culture today.  We simply MUST move beyond a personal saving faith in Christ to an active discipling faith that brings transformation to our nation.  Christians must become more educated on history, political issues, economics, and other key issues that dominate the news today.

To this end, we have established a special program for churches and ministries who are willing to take an active role in discipling this nation.  We want to be a resource center for pastors and leaders who will take an active role in making disciple-makers who will take their faith outside the walls and become active in making a difference with their lives.

Ministry affiliates will have access to all the basic membership resources, plus special ministry resources that will help transform your church or ministry into a functional life-giving force in your community.  We ask that at least once a month, you will have a special “Preserving Freedom” service where you will present a message that incorporates some of the materials or information we provide to you, as well as to encourage your members to become free members of this website.  Of course, we are hoping they will partner with us to help us grow and accomplish our vision, and we appreciate your efforts to encourage this participation.

Ministry affiliates will also be provided with a special certificate suitable for display in your church, and authorization to display our special Preserving Freedom Ministry Affiliate badge on your website or in any of your promotional materials.  Ministry affiliation is a one-time fee of $100, and is requires application and approval by our staff.

Apply For Ministry Affiliation


We know there are thousands of patriotic business owners, entrepreneurs, and organizational leaders who are very concerned about the direction of our nation and would like to do something about it.  By becoming a sponsor of the Preserving Freedom Project, you tell the world that you are proudly taking a stand for Freedom, Liberty and Virtue.  As a sponsor, you get all the basic and sponsor membership benefits, plus you receive a listing on our Sponsors page where we encourage all of our members to check out your products and services.  You also receive the right to display our Preserving Freedom Sponsorship Badge on your website or in your email signature.  Sponsorship costs $100/month.

Yes – I Want To Become A Sponsor


We are actively looking for leaders who can assist us with this project.  We need content creators, editors, web designers, graphic designers, video producers, forum administrators, group leaders, ambassadors, and more.  We are actively looking for those who are willing to invest their time and talents into this noble project, help advance our message and transform our nation.  If you are interested in assisting us in any capacity, please contact us and let us know how you can help.  Please make sure you have become a subscriber prior to contacting us about leadership opportunities.