Ministry Affiliation

Ministry Affiliates

We believe that the Church in America has largely failed in it’s mission to bring transformational change to this nation.  We know that many pastors and leaders agree with this assessment and would like to change that.  While everyone can value messages that build up the individual in matters of faith, we agree with the Apostles James who said, “faith without works is dead.”  We believe that the lack of faith that is actively being displayed out there in the marketplace, in the schools, government offices, media outlets, and other centers of influence is largely to blame for many of the problems we face in our culture today.  We simply MUST move beyond a personal saving faith in Christ to an active discipling faith that brings transformation to our nation.  Christians must become more educated on history, political issues, economics, and other key issues that dominate the news today.

To this end, we have established a special program for churches and ministries who are willing to take an active role in discipling this nation.  We want to be a resource center for pastors and leaders who will take an active role in making disciple-makers who will take their faith outside the walls and become active in making a difference with their lives.

Ministry affiliates will have access to all the basic membership resources, plus special ministry resources that will help transform your church or ministry into a functional life-giving force in your community.  We ask that at least once a month, you will have a special “Preserving Freedom” service where you will present a message that incorporates some of the materials or information we provide to you, as well as to encourage your members to become free members of this website.  Of course, we are hoping they will partner with us to help us grow and accomplish our vision, and we appreciate your efforts to encourage this participation.

Ministry affiliates will also be provided with a special certificate suitable for display in your church, and authorization to display our special Preserving Freedom Ministry Affiliate badge on your website or in any of your promotional materials.  Ministry affiliation is a one-time fee of $100, and is requires application and approval by our staff.

Apply For Ministry Affiliation